First session and fees

15-minute phone consultation Free

Individual sessions £90-£110

Couples/persons in relationship £120-£150

*Concessionary rates are available. Please enquire for more information.

All sessions are 50-minutes (with some exceptions if requested) and can be online or in-person. I also offer flexible working between online and in-person, dependent on need.

The first session of therapy can be a daunting thought. I understand the challenge of stepping into this journey and will provide a welcoming environment to help you feel at ease. In the first session, I will want to hear what has brought you to therapy and what you hope you might gain from it.

I will also want to learn about any physiological factors that may contribute to your distress or discomfort and, where appropriate, may advise consultation with your GP or other healthcare professional.

There is no obligation to proceed with further sessions after the first and it’s important you find the right person for you to speak to. Where I feel necessary, I may also refer you to another therapist or services, if I feel your presenting issue might be best supported by other means.

Endings are planned for and discussed ongoing in therapy by checking in on how you are finding sessions. Your therapy is open ended for as long as the process is serving you.


Meeting with Rose every week was a lifeline for our relationship and ourselves as individuals. Her therapy helped us to work through our issues and grow together, with each session bringing new depth and meaning in a kind and safe environment. - Couple client